Offers One-Stop IT Security Services to Meet Regional Customers Needs
News Release – April 17, 2012
Hong Kong, 17 April 2012 – Automated Systems Holdings Limited (‘ASL’ or ‘the Group’) (SEHK stock code: 771), a leading information technology (IT) services provider in the region, today announced the launch of its Security Operation Center (SOC) in Hong Kong. The new SOC can provide customers in the region with around-the-clock and internationally-recognised managed security protection and services.
As part of its commitment to delivering a more comprehensive portfolio of IT services, the newly established centre means ASL can now offer a full range of IT security services, including the provision of security infrastructure to security risk assessment and audit with SOC, from training to the implementation of security solutions.
The new SOC represents a significant investment by ASL to continue to expand into the growing regional security market. Located at ASL’s headquarters in Hong Kong, the centre is able to identify emerging threats quickly and track trends across industries in the region. It is equipped with advanced Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) system for real-time remote monitoring, logging, analysing and correlating any suspicious threats instantly across enterprise information systems, such as web sites, database system, network devices, firewall, IDS/IPS, servers, among others. ASL’s SOC is able to analyse over a hundred million of events regionally every day to provide enterprise-wide protection from known and emerging threats, enabling organisations to minimise risk and strengthen their security posture.
Continual growth and adoption of cloud services and the mobility trend of the enterprise IT environment has heightened the risks of illegal access and virus attacks to IT systems, which has awakened organizations about the need of information technology security. According to Gartner, global security services spending is forecast to total US$38.3 billion in 2012, and surpass US$49.1 billion in 2015. Asia Pacific is expected to spend around US$4.7 billion in 2012 and US$7 billion in 2015 on security services .

Mr. Henry Hui, Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director of ASL announces the launch of ASL’s Security Operation Center in Hong Kong
“As security threats become more sophisticated and dynamic, organisations require powerful technology, accurate threat intelligence, proven processes and experienced professionals to protect their systems. Coupled with decades of multi-vendor support experience, a strong team of dedicated security professionals, and a proven track record in implementing mission-critical security systems for our customers regionally, we are confident that our new SOC will meet the needs of our growing number of customers and ensure their business continuity,” said Mr. Henry Hui, Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director of Automated Systems Holdings Limited.
Currently, the SOC offers services to customers from both the public and private sectors in Hong Kong and Singapore, including government departments, financial institutions and other organizations. In Hong Kong, ASL was awarded a number of Standing Offer Agreements for Quality Professional Services 2 (SOA-QPS2), including the provision of IT Security Monitoring Services and Information Security Incident Response Support Services for the Central Cyber Government Office (CCGO) of the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer; IT Security Monitoring Services for the Government Logistics Department (GLD); the Security Risk Assessment, Audit and IT Security Monitoring Services for the Rating and Valuation Department. In Singapore, we manage and analyze security threats for a premier multi-modal public transport service provider.
Managed by certified security experts, the centre provides 7x24x365 monitoring with experienced analysts being able to respond to critical incidents locally with onsite support. In addition, ASL’s security experts can advise actions to be taken after identifying the incidents. Among the services offered include provision of regular reports on security detection and monitoring, intrusion detection and response, Internet vulnerability, security policy compliance, anti-virus, and firewall and Virtual private network (VPN) management.
The service delivery of ASL’s SOC meets international standards, as Automated Systems (Hong Kong) Limited has successfully obtained certifications under ISO 20000 IT Service Management (ITSM) and ISO 27001 Information Security Management System (ISMS), which are essential standards for managing the change and control in the process of IT services delivery of SOC. Customers can fully rely on ASL to enjoy maximum security protection with minimal investments in technology and internal resources while focusing on their core business operations.
Cornerstone to ASL’s security strategy, the launch of SOC complements its solutions to support organisations in building a highly secure IT environment that helps manage risk across the organizations, improve service and reduce costs. With multi-vendor support excellence, ASL is well positioned to manage multiple solutions from various vendors, helping customers achieve compliance and IT goals.
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